Teagan was a leopard for Halloween this year! We went to Gabe and Lindsay's house and watched the end of the Tech game then walked around the neighborhood with Teagan and Brody.
Their neighborhood had tons of kids and grown ups dressed up trick or treating. Sadly, we don't see that in our neighborhood. We had fun over there! Brooke, Steven, and Gavin were there for a little while too. Long enough to get a picture of the 3 together! Gavin was an adorable skunk
and Brody was a very cute scarecrow!
Happy Halloween!
October 31, 2009
Posted by Adam and Amber at 9:16 PM 0 comments
October 27, 2009
She rolled over! 10-26-09
She rolled over tummy to back! Yay!! We got out the camera but of course she didn't do it again...
Posted by Adam and Amber at 6:17 PM 0 comments
October 25, 2009
Green Beans
Teagan had her hand raised the whole time I was feeding her ?? in my classroom holding up your hand with 2 fingers raised like this indicates you would like to go get a drink of water...
Yummy!! She liked them! Took a couple tries but she kept opening her mouth. At one point she had them on her nose and then before I could wipe them off she sniffed and they went up! Today we had a couple of sneezes where bright green came out. Tonight we had green beans again and this time had them with only a diaper on. I am learning! Forget the cute bibs, the food gets EVERYwhere!! Bella also enjoyed the left over green beans that I forgot to pick up off the ground and take to the sink. Wondering why she was in the living room for so long....OH the little bowl was still on the floor and licked clean. Gross!
Teagan was such a good baby last night when we decided to go to Saltgrass for dinner. She was awake the whole time (45 minute wait) and all through dinner. During the wait a little boy came over to us and asked if she was a boy or girl. Then he informed us he'd like a baby brother. We were wondering where this kids parents were. He was 6 and Adam got a taste of what I deal with each day. 20 of him! He was talking our ears off and then his little sister Rose who was 4 came and sat RIGHT next to me and Teagan. She was practically in my lap too! Asked if she could hold Teagan! haha She got so upset when I said that she was too little for her to hold. She then decided she'd like to put Teagan's pacifier in and out of Teagan's mouth. Can you imagine my face? Trying to be very polite. Well after handling all of Teagan's toys that we had out and holding our pager for when they were ready to seat us I jumped up to go "change her diaper." OH! Rose also wanted to come! Thankfully the mom said 'no' but then I left her there with Adam and her chatty brother. The parents were thinking it was the cutest thing ever- how much she loves babies! I come back to find we STILL hadn't been called to our table and Adam was still sitting by the boy. Rose was in time out for twisting Teagan's carseat straps and slapping her mom's hand when her mom told her to stop doing that! WOW what an experience!
The video is kind of long but towards the end you'll catch an adorable smile and a little gag on the green beans!
Posted by Adam and Amber at 7:20 PM 2 comments
October 24, 2009
Welcome Autumn
I am officially going to keep this blog updated!
October is almost over! Where did the time go? Teagan is now 4 months old. We had her 4 month shots on Tuesday and she was not so tough this time. At 2 months she didn't even cry. Just a little disapproving scream at the end of the last shot. This time she cried real tears and screamed while the Dr. examined her. She has found her voice and loves to TALK! In the car on the way to Mrs. Holley's each morning she will coo all the way there. Sometimes to lull herself to sleep but other times just to hear herself! Or running errands- lots of talking! She is changing every day and it has been fun watching her learn new things and develop a little personality! She is sitting up well...not on her own yet without tumbling over but in her Bumbo, in her stroller, and her jumper has become a big favorite to sit in and play!
She is very close to rolling over! We are anxious to see this happen!
We are starting her on green beans tonight! We've done cereal now for a couple of weeks, twice a day, and she has the hang of opening her mouth and taking it on the spoon. It's so cute when she turns her head to signal that she's had enough! We will need a highchair soon. She is sitting in her bouncer and Bumbo to eat now.
Here are some recent pictures and also a link to view some Holiday photos that we had taken in Plano last weekend with the same photographer that took her 9 day old pictures. To view her 9 day old pictures our password is colberg, under client proofs. www.betsymariephotography.com/blog/
Christmas cards will be sent out in November, hopefully! Adam has to work the days before and after Thanksgiving so we wouldn't be able to travel to Lubbock to spend the holiday there, so mom dad and Carter will come out here! We are very excited to see them and have Thanksgiving at our house this year!
Unfortunately I waited to do report cards until last minute so today I am working on those and going up to school tomorrow with Teagan, while Adam is at soccer, to get things ready and organized for next week. Not such a relaxing weekend but Halloween weekend will be fun and enjoyable! Can't wait to get Teagan a costume!
Posted by Adam and Amber at 2:25 PM 1 comments